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Home Building Company Auckland

About Us

Villaworx Construction will turn your dream home into a beautiful reality. With our expert building knowledge and award-winning team, we can help you right through the design and build journey. Whether you are building a new home or renovating a traditional villa, we will be there with you every step of the way – from house plans and budgeting to the final code of compliance.

We build homes for Kiwi families that are both durable and beautiful. With our 10-year master build guarantee, you can ensure your family has peace of mind when it comes to your new home.

Our Mission

Our mission is to form a partnership built on trust with our clients, which results in innovative, cost-effective and superior construction exceeding our customers’ expectations.

How We

Build Homes For You

Simplicity – This creates clarity.

Discipline – Doing things the right way.

Entrepreneurship – Creative ways to ensure ideas are brought to life!

Accountability  We take ownership of our responsibilities to our commitments.

Solidarity Gives us our credibility and makes us stand out from the rest.

Our Team

Reuben Martin

I began my journey into the construction business chasing the typical Kiwi dream of building my own house. I left my job as a Personal Trainer to labour on a residential construction site to learn the basics. After six months I then decided to do the adult apprenticeship to obtain my License as a Building Practitioner. I completed the qualification under Kroydon Parker and have since become a Director and Project Manager of Villaworx Construction.

My professional qualifications and professions include Medical Scientist (Bachelor Medical Laboratory Science), High School Science Teacher (Post Grad Diploma in Teaching), Property Valuer (Bachelor Business Studies), Personal Trainer (Diploma in Personal Training) and and I am currently studying part-time my Master’s Degree in Construction.

I am passionate about building and love the challenges that it entails. It is so tremendously rewarding to sit back, look at the finished project and simply say, “we built that!”.